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Company Philosophy

Sokimex started from a humble beginning when the country was just waking up from a bleak chapter in her history. In this state, the company has to have two vital characteristic in order to prevail. Confidence and Courage. Today we have developed a third trait in the company’s philosophy and that is Vision.

We have confidence in our people, our partners and the free market. We have full confidence in the development of the country as long as it will take.


Our confidence is shown in our eagerness to invest in long term projects and infrastructures. We do not like to go into short term projects because it will distract us from our long term goals. We invest in our people through education and knowledge. At the same time we have confidence in the Cambodian people to shape a progressive society. Our customers are also our long term business partners for without their continued support we will not grow and prosper.

Without courage we will not be where we are today. We are proud we possess the courage to invest in large projects where others may shy away because it’s too risky. It’s not because we love to take risk but we have confidence in the people and country. We manage our risk with detailed analysis. It takes courage to deal in areas outside our core business. But we take it as a learning experience. We will not hesitate to draw in the best of talents both local and foreign to achieve our goals. And we go about it professionally and with honesty.

We do not plan our business based on a five year plan, our vision is far longer. We forecast our business by the decades in the future because without doing so we might not be prepared for change. Just like in the glorious Angkorian era, the Angkor Wat was not build in a few years but it took generations of leaders with great vision over centuries to create something that last for ages. We represent the new Cambodian spirit 15 years after inception.